The Green Acres Academy School girls learning in science lab
Tgaa young school girls doing Experiment in Science Lab

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The future cannot be built on old ideas.

We cannot prepare students for the future with 19th century education. To raise students as changemakers of tomorrow, we must empower them with 21st century education.

1990s industrial age classroom in black and white

Classrooms in the early 1900s industrial age


Indian classrooms today — unchanged since the 1900s

TGAA Nursery School modern classroom

TGAA classrooms delivers education
relevant for 21st century.

TGAA education:

designed to make students future ready.

Many schools derive their educational systems based on ideas like rote memorisation that originated 200 years ago. At TGAA, our teaching systems are updated to maximise learning, build 21st century skills and let children thrive in a changing future.
Playing pre-primary students of TGAA School

19th century education

TGAA’s 21st century education

19th century education


TGAA’s 21st century education

Memorising information was an important aspect of education for industrial era jobs.
Knowledge icon
21st Century Curriculum that recognises memorisation of facts is useless, and develops deep, conceptual knowledge and cognitive skills for today’s work.
Few people pursued passions during industrial times. Education was focused on getting a job.
Skill search icon
Holistic Experiences give students the exposure and learning they need to discover passions, develop a wider range of skills and pursue work in their area of interest.
Traditional teaching methods focussed on textbooks, blackboards and lectures.
Technology-based learning icon
Technology Enabled Learning harnesses limitless digital information and tools to build relevant, 21st century skills and let children reach their potential.
Socio-emotional wellbeing and learning environments were not really a priority in schools.
Image P4
Safe, Connected, Supportive Environments let students thrive by making them feel safe, respected and confident to share.
One-size-fits-all teaching style for children geared for factory work in the industrial age.
Group 63-1
Student Centred Learning recognises students as individuals with different interests, needs, strengths. And enables all to explore, learn and thrive.
The pace of change during the Industrial age was much slower.
Image P6
Continuously Evolving Education for today’s rapid pace of change ensures education is always meaningful and relevant in a changing world.

Establishing strong foundations
for a lifetime of success.

Our early childhood program sets students up for success by building core literacy skills, socio-emotional capabilities, and positive mindsets towards learning that forms their foundation for the years to come.

Students of Green acres school in the classroom
  • Building strong foundations in a wide range of subject areas – Literacy and Language, Maths, Science and Technology, Approaches to Learning, Socio-Emotional Development, Creative Arts, and Physical Development and Health adapted from International Highscope Curriculum.
  • Curated by our leadership team who are top educational experts from universities like Harvard, Columbia, Wharton, and John Hopkins.

Building on strong foundations to shape changemakers of the future.

In our Primary and Secondary Programs, students build on their foundational skills to develop deep knowledge in a range of subject areas and apply this learning to real world situations and problems.

Image Pre5
  • Building deep knowledge in a wide range of subject areas like Literacy and Language, Math, Science, Social Studies, Digital Literacy and Computers, Hindi, Marathi, Visual and Performing Arts, Sports, and Physical Education; and through our flagship programs like Socio-emotional Learning, Citizenship and Social Action.
  • Curated by our leadership team who are top educational experts from the best universities such as Harvard, Columbia, Wharton, and John Hopkins.
  • Preparing students for exceptional performance in their Board Exams through calibrated practice from Grade 5 and our powerful in-house test prep series from Grade 9.

Establishing strong foundations
for a lifetime of success.

Our early childhood program sets students up for success by building core literacy skills, socio-emotional capabilities, and positive mindsets towards learning that forms their foundation for the years to come.

In-house programs designed for socio-emotional learning and leadership development, where no curriculum exists.

A range of activities like dance, music, visual arts, gym, and yoga, ensure all-round development for Nursery to Senior KG kids.

14 co-scholastic activities a week, including Indian Dance, Indian Music, Western Dance, Western Music, Speech, Drama, Sports, Art, and Physical Education for grade 1 and up.

Exploring multiple subjects in an integrated way.

Teacher-student ratio of 1:13 (Nursery, JKG, and SKG) and 1:20 (Grade 1) to establish close connections with students.

Inclusive Education System that is proactive, collaborative, and tiered, to ensure students of all abilities have their needs met.

Dedicated learning support team for special education and counselling.

Ongoing 2-way communication between parents and teachers through our SeeSaw App.

Safe, award-winning infrastructure.

Our process uses technology and data to ensure all voices are heard, and all changes to programs are based on science.

Continuous study on teaching practice and ongoing professional development for teachers.

Feedback from parents, students, teachers, leaders and other school teams used to upgrade the educational program year on year.

Co-teaching model with three teachers in a class to allow for interactive, large group experiences, along with more personalised small group learning.

Ongoing assessment of student learning and individualized progress tracking.

Building on strong foundations to shape changemakers of the future.

In our Primary and Secondary Programs, students build on their foundational skills to develop deep knowledge in a range of subject areas and apply this learning to real world situations and problems.

Ensuring all-round development with 12 co-scholastic activities a week during the school day in Primary and 10 co-scholastic classes in Secondary.

Co-curriculars include Indian Dance, Indian Music, Western Dance, Western Music, Speech, Drama, Visual Arts, Physical Fitness, Football, Basketball, Yoga and Taekwondo.

Flagship in-house programs: LEAPED enables students communicate, collaborate, empathise, and organise themselves – the key to success in today’s world. Citizenship Program helps students engage in social action projects and solve complex social challenges around us.

Mumbai’s first Google Reference School – recognised for our outstanding use of technology to drive positive learning outcomes.

Teachers leverage technology to transform the learning environment, as envisaged for the future in the National Education Plan (NEP).

1:1 devices enable individualized learning at each child’s pace and allow all students in the classroom to be engaged.

Hybrid Digital Curriculum – specialised learning platforms for Maths and Language, as well as multi-modal content across subjects.

Homeroom System for mentoring and supporting students.

Inclusive Education System that is proactive, collaborative, and tiered, to ensure students of all abilities have their needs met.

Inclusive Education System that is proactive, collaborative, and tiered, to ensure students of all abilities have their needs met.

2-way communication with teachers and access to digital classroom materials through Google Classroom.

Safe, award-winning infrastructure.

Our Continuous Improvement Data engine makes sure that all voices are heard, and all changes are based on scientific evidence.

Continuous study on teaching practice and ongoing professional development for teachers.

Feedback from parents, students, teachers, leaders and other school teams used to upgrade the educational program year on year.

Interactive classrooms with group work to promote individual expression and teamwork.

Project-based learning to promote student-led, real-world learning through project planning, research, teamwork, and presentation of work.

Ongoing assessment of student learning and individualized progress tracking.